Minggu, 12 April 2009


Elok in Indonesia or Asia generally, for along time trusted came from the buttom of our heart deeply. Exactly, it is coming out from the soul, whom as long as our real guide, real best whisper, real a hidden faith that all has relation between mind and the nature, our body, our thinking and the earth. It is related by think of a human being with his done that any continued with where his living arround,include everything of cycle of life, everything of the process of life. The movement are smoothly but sharp directly. Silent but also smart. Brave but pation. Conduct but follower. Ask some thing even begging but honour. Caused the nature which followed make us come in to our deeply soul,the largest of ours. The soul is a largest of ours. Everything started and ended by the soul. And fortunately that is ours. Mind of think as a little brother/sister and the soul is as an old one. That is ELOK.

When a human being look everything arround he also look at him/herself directly . Then he think about it and do well done of it. That is ELOK.
It might simply similiar like wisdom. Even any differences of it.

Hm...enough today, o.k ?
We'll be back to us.

Warmest Regards,
Elok Nian, a Lady of Syair

Rabu, 08 April 2009

ELOK 2 __ it is about our soul

Dear friend,
Lets find out where is our soul wisely now and what clour is it look like ? How to make the soul brighter whole of single ours ? do we care enough for that,depend on what are we look at , think to be, and what we eat are .

Our dreams is a representation of our mindset.

A philosophy of life in Indonesia one will be given here to you as know as "syair" verses from Riau Malay. So,please take a look how excited are after you read it .
I am in a learning to entered a good life,based on "the syair" verses. Many people embarassed when I was performed in solo since 1986 in many even of life. It is not necessary need a formal stage. Whatever movement in our life is a stage basicly. A birth, a simple community's meeting, a wedding even simple (not such as a party), the baby caring moments, to received a mariage propose from a gentleman,etc, is a life stage that could be arranged to performed a genuine philosophy of our own traditional custom like "the syair". The sound like a serenade. It is just a part of it.

Are you ready to take it ?

Elok Nian from Bandung,Indonesia

Kamis, 02 April 2009


ELOK NIAN................

Assalamu'alaikum sahabat semua.
Salam sejahtera selalu. amin.

Dear you, friend.

All of you , How are you now ? Let us share together about some thing good in our life.
we could started by a nice word : "elok" it is similiar with "good" , "nice" .

Elok,adalah sebuah kata yang digunakan untuk :
1____ budi pekerti seseorang yang menawan hati
2____ penggambaran keindahan yang alami
3____ kehati-hatian dalam berbuat

Contoh 1. "Elok betul perangai (sifat) tetangga sebelah rumah kita"
2. "Pantainya masih elok,sedap dipandang mata"
3. "Dalam melangkah meraih cita,elok-eloklah di rantau orang,nak "

Karena keindahannya, tulisan 'halus kasar' atau yang juga dikenal dengan sebutan 'tulisan tegak bersambung' dinamakan 'tulisan elok'. Coba ingat,semasa duduk di bangku SD dahulu, untuk wilayah pulau Jawa,apalagi Jawa Barat, para guru secara rutin memberi tugas membuat tulisan tegak bersambung yang kadar kehalusan dan ketebalan tarikan pensilnya demikian terlihat jelas, kepada murid-muridnya. Kebetulan guru SD saya di Santa Maria Pekanbaru ( di era tahun 70an) mewajibkan seluruh murid untuk menyetorkan tulisan halus-kasarnya.

Sosok dengan tingkah laku nan elok, tentu akan membuat aman dan nyaman orang-orang yang berada di sekitarnya. Yah...lebih kurang seperti alam yang elok.... dipandang,hmm... menenangkan hati,menggairahkan semangat hidup,bahkan tak jarang memberi inspirasi lahirnya ide-ide baru. _________ itu, seperti ..(siapa,ya ? lupa . Ada yang bisa membantu saya? Ayo,bisikkanlah padaku dengan lirih namun jelas, lewat tulisanmu) seorang lelakiJepang yang berhasil menciptakan mesin kartu elektrik bagi penumpang kereta api , karena saat mengaso di pinggir sungai kecil, ia tertegun melihat sampah dedaunan yang terbelokkan dengan sendirinya akibat tertahan oleh dinding/turbin sungai. Maka iapun "AHA..!"

Sst... kawan-kawan, kita jeda sejenak, baik ? Okay ?
Lain waktu kita sambung lagi. Disini kelak Insya Allah, kita akan bicara tentang keelokan-keelokan lain yang banyak kita temui di sekeliling kita. Kebetulan , sebagai insan yang diberi gelar "Si Ibu Syair" tentu pembahasan tentang aspek-aspek kebahasaan yang ringan tak akan ketinggalan. Moga blog ini akan bermanfaat bagi lestarinya bahasa Indonesia, sekaligus hal-hal lain yang mengiringinya. ( Ayo....sudah pada koor mengucap 'amin', belum ? Amin....amin! )